
Our Expertise

Vision and insights you won’t get anywhere else

As experts in the plastics industry with decades of experience, we know enough to offer you more than conjecture. We provide valuable market insights, backed by our proprietary benchmarking data. For nearly 30 years, we conducted the North American Plastics Industry Study (NAPIS), the most comprehensive benchmarking study of plastics manufacturers in North America. We’ve examined hundreds of financial, sales, operations, and management metrics to identify best practices and define the attributes of top performers in the industry. We can highlight the health of your business with comparative data from more than 200 competing facilities.

We’ll use these insights to help you remain competitive in the plastics industry of the future. The manufacturing world looks radically different from 20 years ago, and you need advanced technologies, vision, and confidence to secure success. We’ll guide you through Industry 4.0 to improve existing processes, increase labor productivity, and reduce manufacturing costs. Our diverse set of services will help you respond to the marketplace of today and prepare you to excel in the years ahead.

    Tariffs, global trade, & economic policy updates to track

    Our Offerings

    We’re more than just accountants — we’re ready to support your company holistically and position you for success. Our plastics advisors serve more than 200 plastics and allied product clients spanning many sectors, such as automotive, construction, packaging, medical, and consumer goods. We’ll help you with: 
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    Risk management strategies for growth and innovation

    Smart manufacturing


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    Client Experience

    Honest advice to move you forward

    Our clients turn to us for a fresh and honest perspective. Our recommendations are future-focused, candid, and always backed by facts. Clients gain foresight and confidence to make the best decisions in every situation. The weight of change doesn’t feel quite as heavy with a trusted advisor in your corner.

    “We combine the insights of our plastics industry benchmarking study with decades of experience serving plastics manufacturers to offer a trusted perspective on growth opportunities and business model risks,” said Damitha Bandara, plastics assurance partner. “We look out for our clients and give them honest, practical counsel.”

    Our clients say

    We are a fairly data-driven metrics-oriented organization and have historically compared our 6 operations against each other internally. Participation in the North American Plastics Industry Survey (NAPIS) has taken benchmarking to the next level giving us a broad, valid comparative universe. Operationally we use the NAPIS data for enhancing the output and efficiency of our assets and goal setting. Commercially we reference the information to test the validity of “target pricing” that is frequently presented to our sales assets. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, NAPIS data has become part of our acquisition toolbox during the initial assessment and operational due diligence phases of the process. Candidly our entire management looks forward to the NAPIS survey.

    Al Ridilla
    President, Enterprise Molded Products Business, Parkway Products Inc.