Personal Tax

Our Expertise

Where tax strategy and portfolio management meet

Are you launching a new venture, going through a major life event, or simply looking to protect your assets? Whatever your goal is, you can count on our tax specialists for fresh, insightful tax planning ideas that optimize your tax position. With a full complement of tax planning and consulting services, we work closely with your investment, financial, and estate planning advisors to ensure you have a coordinated team working toward the same financial goals.

As part of our collaborative approach, we bring a broad range of individual tax planning services to the table, including projections of current tax liabilities, cash flow needs, tax implications of investments, and estate planning and gifting strategies.

When you work with us, you’ll gain an instant perspective on how investment, tax, and other financial decisions will impact your personal balance sheet.

Integrating our tax specialists into your larger personal advisory team allows us to provide you with the highest level of service in the following areas:


Family partnerships

Use of family partnerships to broaden investment access due to economies of scale, execute wealth transfer strategies, and maintain family financial stewardship principles.

Private foundations

Formation and operation of private foundations, including applying best practices in the areas of governance, grant-making, mission, and excise tax planning strategies.

Portfolio tax efficiency

Coordination of income tax, charitable giving, and investment strategies, including helping investment advisors optimize portfolio tax efficiency.

Proactive tax strategies

Proactive tax strategies and advice that minimize your tax liabilities while still achieving your investment and other financial goals.


Creation and funding of trusts to improve asset protection, minimize estate and generation-skipping tax (GST) exposure, and achieve family legacy goals.

Tax planning is as essential as ever for higher-income taxpayers. Maximize your tax benefits with our 2024 year-end tax guide.


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Client Experience

Comprehensive services and integrated approach

Our personal tax team is invested in helping you maximize your financial resources and minimize your tax obligation. Our engagement planning includes working with your larger personal advisory team to ensure our tax recommendations are in line with your broader financial goals –– and setting agendas to which the entire team can commit.

In the words of Brian Schultz, leader of our personal tax practice, “When we integrate tax strategy with portfolio management, we can help clients enhance after-tax returns and grow their personal balance sheet. Helping clients achieve their definition of financial success is our ultimate goal.” 

Our clients say

Plante Moran is an excellent firm to work with because we receive timely and comprehensive advice on any issue. I appreciate the news and alerts on new tax laws that enable us to stay on top of changes in IRS laws immediately. Every time I speak with them, the auditors and consultants inform me of new laws that are pending that could be important to my business. I would recommend Plante Moran to others because with them, there isn't much difference between corporation and personal. I'm on a first name basis with my contacts and I can communicate with them just like personal friends—I couldn't ask for anything better.

Dan Imlach
President, Imlach Group