Our Expertise
2025 Nonprofit Summit

Accounting for increasingly complex share-based payments

Accounting and regulatory update for public and private companies

Beneficial ownership reporting modified by the courts

2024 Year-End Webinar Series

Plante Moran named a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner® Market Guide for External Audit Services
Our people can. See how our use of technology is your greatest advantage.
Case Studies
Our Team
Our audit and accounting services consultants help you assess how you collect, record, organize, and report your financial information to ensure it offers a holistic view of your business. You benefit from the deep industry knowledge our financial support services team, including accountants and auditors, bring to your projects.
Our team won’t bog you down with a laundry list of background questions because they already understand the nuances of and issues impacting your industry. And behind each team of financial accounting consultants and auditors is a professional standards department comprised of specialists who support our many industry teams.
Plante Moran accountants always provide us with useful and innovative recommendations. They have gone beyond just validating our financial records by suggesting ways to contain our transportation costs and better manage risk. They offered us successful approaches to our complicated tax issues and served as trusted advisors during an ownership change. We have learned to depend on them for expertise to enhance the value of our companies.