Affordable Housing

Our Expertise

Building better communities takes creative solutions

Ever-changing regulations and reporting requirements, highly complex transactions, disparate financing sources, and budget constraints are constant challenges in this increasingly technical sector. Are you wondering how to keep your stakeholders happy and make the best financial decisions for your community? Our affordable housing specialists offer comprehensive audit, tax, and business advisory services to support your individual project or ongoing needs.

With more than 70 years of experience working in the specialized housing and community development industry, we understand the nuances of this highly regulated and complicated space. From for-profit and non-for-profit developers, to investors, public housing authorities, and syndicators, to property management companies and lenders, we serve more than 1,200 housing and community development entities.

And, we recognize the unique nature of each engagement. We don’t just follow a check-the-box formula; we take the time to understand the intricacies and nuances of your specific situation. Because we invest in technology and innovative tools and processes, we’ll provide you with efficient solutions and insights to succeed.


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Client Experience

One team. One point of focus — you

Our multidisciplinary team includes experts in government, real estate, and not-for-profit. We’re well versed in low-income housing tax credits, opportunity zones, HUD loans and subsidies, the rental assistance demonstration, state-based programs, and more. Because of our many relationships and deep expertise, we’ll customize an exclusive team for your particular project.

Lisa Vargo, housing and community development practice leader, is proud of the diverse and determined group we bring to each engagement. “Our housing and community development group is unique, as it’s composed of experts from all across the firm who work together to provide the best results for our clients. We truly understand the industry from all angles. This experience means we’ll provide cutting-edge solutions that drive value for you.”

Our clients say

Cinnaire has worked with Plante Moran for nearly 20 years. The accountants and advisors at the firm are like family – they’ve watched our company grow over the years and have been a huge part of that growth. They have local presence and knowledge, but they also have strong national experience and are at the table for national policy decisions. We get the best of both worlds.

Mark McDaniel
President and CEO, Cinnaire