I specialize in audits for large hospital and health systems across various states. My clients appreciate that I always take swift action to provide valuable solutions and involve the best team to address their needs. They know they can count on me to listen to their concerns.
Around the office, colleagues know me for having a steady demeanor, even when dealing with demanding schedules and challenging deadlines. I can motivate the team to go the extra mile when necessary — and we always celebrate our successes.
I’ve been with the firm for more than 10 years. One of my greatest accomplishments is the strong relationship I built with one of my clients’ CFOs. In fact, he’s been known to tell the company’s owner, “If I ever die, you should hire Adam Stevenson to replace me.”
I’m often asked to speak to the boards and committees of my clients about industry trends, forecasts, and benchmarks. I’ve lead internal training on a variety of technical topics, including implementation of the new revenue recognition standards. I received my B.B.A. in accounting from Grand Valley State University and my M.Acc. from the University of Michigan. I belong to the AICPA, the MICPA, and the Healthcare Financial Management Association, where I’m a former board member.
I’m living my best life when I'm camping in Northern Michigan with my wife and three kids. I’m an enthusiastic sports fan, and I also enjoy playing basketball and golf.