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Inflation Reduction Act energy tax credits: Investment tax credit and production tax credit

July 25, 2024 / 13 min read

With the IRA energy tax credits, taxpayers have two main avenues to explore: the investment tax credit and the production tax credit. Wondering which credit makes the most sense for you? Here’s what you need to know. 

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) made significant changes to the tax credits that were previously available for renewable energy projects. Chief among these are the investment tax credit under Section 48 (ITC) and the production tax credit under Section 45 (PTC). The modifications made by the IRA expanded those credits both in terms of the nature of qualifying projects as well as the value that might be obtained. However, new opportunities are balanced against the need to satisfy complex requirements in order to achieve maximum value. Here’s what you should know to understand how these credits can be maximized.

Overview of the Section 48 Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Section 45 Production Tax Credit (PTC)

The Section 48 Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Section 45 Production Tax Credit (PTC) have many similarities but differ in key respects. The ITC is claimed by taxpayers that place qualifying energy property in service during an applicable tax year. In that sense, the ITC is a one-time credit calculated as a percentage of the qualifying investment. Conversely, the PTC is a per kilowatt-hour (kWh) tax credit claimed annually during the first 10 years of the qualifying project’s operation. Taxpayers may wish to complete modeling to determine whether the ITC or PTC path is more favorable, factoring in project eligibility, opportunities to monetize tax credit benefits, financing options, and the time value of money. 

Many projects will qualify for both the ITC and the PTC. Importantly, however, some projects will only qualify for the ITC. In situations where both credits may be available, taxpayers must choose whether to claim the ITC upfront or the PTC over time. Duplicate benefits are precluded for the same equipment. However, it may be possible for a taxpayer to claim both credits based on separate types of equipment that are co-located on the same property (e.g., the PTC for wind or solar equipment and the ITC for energy storage equipment (batteries)).

There are numerous details that must be considered when evaluating ITC and PTC opportunities. However, the following structure may help clarify the key categories of questions: 

Equipment: Does the project involve qualifying equipment?

A core focus of both the ITC and PTC is the production of electricity from renewable resources. Accordingly, the starting point for both credits are technologies relating to wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, biomass, etc. However, the ITC also includes other technologies. Namely, those involving energy storage, biogas, combined heat and power, and fuel cells, among others are eligible for the ITC. A summary of the qualifying technologies for each credit is included below.

Chart showcasing a summary of the qualifying technologies for Sec. 45 (PTC) and Sec. 48 (ITC) credits. 

Timing: When did construction begin, and when will this be placed in service?

The timing of a project is a critical factor in evaluating which tax credit rules will apply. This situation was caused by the fact that the IRA modified the previously existing ITC and PTC while also creating new versions of those credits with delayed effective dates. Thus, taxpayers must consider whether a project is subject to the old rules, the modified rules, or the new rules. One important distinction is that certain projects will qualify under the modified rules but not the new rules.

The dates when construction begins and when the property is placed in service are relevant data points. IRS guidance provides two alternative options for establishing the beginning of construction date. The first option is the physical work test, which is satisfied when “physical work of a significant nature begins.” This can include on-site work as well as off-site work. The second option is the 5% safe harbor, which is triggered when the taxpayer pays or incurs 5% or more of the total cost of the energy property. At the conclusion of a project, equipment is considered to be placed in service when it’s first placed in a state of readiness and availability for a specifically assigned function. Taken together, these rules require the completion of deliberate actions in order to begin construction and place the project in service.

In simple terms, the prior versions of the ITC and PTC apply through 2022. The modified versions of those credits then took effect for 2023 and 2024. Finally, the new versions of those credits are set to take effect in 2025. More specifically, these are the relevant effective dates for the rules:

The focus of this article is the modified rules that are currently applicable to projects in development or that will break ground before the end of 2024.

Credit amount: Does this qualify for the base credit or the increased amount?

Both the ITC and PTC have a core credit calculation, which may be increased by a multiple of five. For the ITC, the base credit is equal to 6% of the cost basis of the qualifying energy property, which may be increased to 30%. For the PTC, the base credit for 2023 was equal to 0.55 cents per kWh, which may be increased to 2.75 cents per kWh. The PTC amount is adjusted annually for inflation, and there are additional adjustments based on the technology involved.

There are two paths available for achieving the enhanced amount.

Notably, a limited transition rule turned off the prevailing wage and apprenticeship rules for projects exceeding 1 MW but where construction of the project began before Jan. 29, 2023. The beginning of construction rules described above also apply to the determination of whether the prevailing wage and apprenticeship hour requirements must be satisfied.

Continuing the theme of varying credit amounts is a special rule relating to project financing. Specifically, the credit amounts described above are subject to a reduction of up to 15% if the project is financed by tax-exempt bonds. For example, the ITC would be reduced from 30 to 25.5% or from 6 to 5.1% in that fact pattern. Additionally, for projects financed with restricted tax-exempt grants, forgivable loans, or other tax-exempt income, the credit amount is reduced when the benefit of the grant and the tax credit exceeds the cost basis of the property.

Bonus credits: Are bonus credits available based on the location, use of domestically produced equipment, or connection to a low-income project?

The IRA also provided options for taxpayers to claim additional credit amounts as bonus credits (sometimes referred to as adders). The first two are available to all projects and are based on the source of the components used (domestic content) and the location of the project (energy community). For the ITC, those bonus amounts are each equal to 10% of the project basis (up to a maximum of 50%). For the PTC, such bonus amounts are equal to 10% multiplied by the credit amount. Additional credits can also be obtained through a competitive application program for certain ITC projects related to low-income communities. Such amount could be equal to an additional 10% or 20% of the basis of such project.

Bonus credits provide attractive incentives but may be difficult to achieve depending on the facts. For example, supply chain constraints may limit the ability to source sufficient domestic components for that bonus. The project location may also be influenced by other factors, which eliminate the ability to qualify for the energy community bonus.

Cash benefits: Who is the taxpayer, and how will the cash value of the credit be realized?

The PTC and ITC are both federal income tax credits that are claimed as general business credits under Sec. 38. In that sense, all taxpayers with federal income tax liabilities could benefit from such credits. However, the IRA also added two new credit monetization rules that dramatically increase the potential for others to benefit from these credits. The credit sale rules under Sec. 6418 allow business entities to sell the PTC and ITC to unrelated buyers in exchange for cash. Going further, the elective payment rules under Sec. 6417 allow tax-exempt entities, governmental entities, Indian tribes, and others to obtain a direct tax refund. Our monetization article and webinar expand on those options in greater detail.

The simple answer is that almost every business, organization, governmental entity, and Indian tribe has the potential to benefit from these tax credits given the expanded monetization options.

Documentation: What actions can be taken to maximize tax credit benefits?

The discussion above identifies a considerable amount of complexity. That begins with definitional questions about whether particular technologies are eligible for either or both of the ITC and PTC. The scale of the project may also trigger labor requirements related to prevailing wage and apprenticeship hours. Finally, obtaining bonus credits requires advanced planning in terms of siting the project and sourcing its components. In short, there are many items to review and document to achieve full the full ITC and PTC potential.

When considering a potential project, we recommend using the follow construct:

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