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How to identify and correct common retirement plan mistakes

June 7, 2021 / 4 min read

Employers that sponsor retirement plans for their employees must comply with numerous rules that govern plan management. Do you know enough about those rules to avoid common mistakes made by plan sponsors?

Retirement plans can be challenging to administer. Most businesses rely so heavily on outside consultants and third-party administrators to create and maintain their plans that they often don’t have resources in-house who fully appreciate the complex interaction of benefit calculations, payment schedules, and filing deadlines. This article is intended to provide you with a brief explanation of some of the most common mistakes made by plan sponsors and an introduction to resources that can help you identify and correct retirement plan errors.

Common mistakes made by plan sponsors

Some of the most frequent mistakes include:

Retirement plans are governed by plan documents that are usually fairly complex and may change over time.

Correcting retirement plan errors

The good news for employers who find mistakes related to their retirement plan is that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and DOL both have correction programs available. Depending on the error and the underlying issues, as well as available in-house resources, it might make sense to seek outside support. Some corrections can be labor-intensive and involve filings and applications with the IRS and DOL while other corrections may be able to be self-corrected.

Is it time for a benefit plan compliance review?

If you’re wondering whether your employee benefits plan management has been fully compliant with all of the rules that govern retirement plans, a benefit compliance review could be the answer. This review serves as a kind of mock audit. Consultants meet with everyone in your business who has a role in benefit plan administration, including payroll, HR, and finance. They review plan documents ahead of time, so that they know what answers these individuals should be providing to the questions being asked. The consultants interview the key stakeholders who have hands-on responsibilities for the plan to understand their day-to-day interactions with the plan. The review also includes an examination of a significant sample of transactions that have the most room for error — such as timeliness of contributions, distributions, etc.

A compliance review can identify potential problems with the plan and help to resolve issues before the plan is audited by the IRS or DOL. It can be particularly helpful for employers who have experienced significant turnover in the personnel that manage benefits and for businesses that have seen significant increases in their number of employees participating in the plan.

A compliance review can identify potential problems with the plan and help to resolve issues before the plan is audited by the IRS or DOL.

If you have questions or concerns about your company’s retirement plans, please contact a Plante Moran employee benefits consultant.

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