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Recover more revenue with denials prevention, resolution, and automation

August 25, 2020 / 7 min read

A robust denials management strategy is critical to stop revenue from leaking out of your healthcare revenue cycle. Do you have the people, processes, and data analytics to efficiently and systematically prevent and resolve denials? Consider these ideas to get started.

It’s understandable when organizations react to a crisis of (literally) pandemic proportions by hunkering down. But cutting expenses too deeply can hurt the organization in the long run, making it even harder to ramp up when the crisis has passed.

By keeping your sights on long-term revenue recovery by making sustainable changes to operational processes, you position yourself as the financial steward your organization needs during a difficult time.

Priority No. 1 should be to make sure your organization is being fairly reimbursed for the services you’ve already provided by improving denials prevention and resolution.

A revenue-cycle triple threat

Denials represent a triple-threat to the revenue cycle. They:

  1. Reduce revenue: On average, healthcare organizations lose between 1–5% of net patient revenue to denials. For a $500 million organization, improving the final denial write-off rate by just 0.5% would generate $2.5 million in new revenue capture per year.
  2. Delay cash collections: Initial denials have risen to an alarming 7–15% of gross revenue, although denial rates vary dramatically according to the insurer and the state.
  3. Increase billing effort: Your organization is likely paying at least $25 to resolve and rebill each denied claim. If payers are kicking back about one out of every six claims, those costs can add up quickly. For example, an organization with 500,000 claims per year can reduce costs by $0.75 million by reducing their initial denial rate from 12 to 7%.

Plug revenue cycle leaks

An effective denials management strategy with the right balance of resources, technology optimization, and automation can stop a revenue leak and improve margins — relieving pressure that otherwise might lead to further furloughs or layoffs.

Consider prioritizing investing in process improvement to understand the causes of denials.

As complex and challenging as it can be to recover revenue from insurance payers, investing in denials management is a better bet than pursuing an aggressive patient collection strategy, especially in today’s economy with record-high unemployment and increasing levels of patient responsibility. Now is the time to implement a two-pronged denials prevention and resolution strategy enabled by automation.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Consider prioritizing investing in process improvement to understand the causes of denials, rather than waiting to resolve them on the back end.

Preventable errors commonly originate in front-end areas of the revenue cycle, such as registration data entry, authorization, medical necessity, eligibility, and benefits checking.

Authorization denials are among the most complex and time-consuming denials to resolve, making them a rich target for prevention efforts. Following are a few practical tips on how to prevent authorization denials:

How much revenue is your organization losing to timely filing denials? Organizations often take a big revenue hit due to the lack of clear processes when following up with payers after denials, leading to missed deadlines. A few suggestions for preventing timely filing denials include:


In today’s world of tight margin compression, quick and efficient resolution of denials is critical. With the raft of new billing codes for telemedicine and COVID-19 testing and treatment, zero-balance account reviews have become a key component to ensure fair reimbursement for services you have already provided.

Many organizations suffer from inefficient processes that can have devastating financial impacts.

In addition, many organizations suffer from inefficient processes that can have devastating financial impacts. Providing an analytics-enabled standard way of sorting work queues can help you focus resources on the highest-risk, highest-dollar accounts. Database and data visualization tools can organize denials by payer, denial reason, account balance, and timely filing.

Armed with information about your organization’s denial trends, be sure to schedule payer meetings to discuss these trends. A few best practices for these meetings include:

  1. Defining objectives prior to the meeting. Provide a problem statement and agenda to the payer ahead of the meeting and a summary table of denied dollars and denied accounts volume.
  2. Coming to the table prepared to show examples of denied accounts, any supporting documentation (including contract terms), and a listing of denied accounts.
  3. Setting expectations with payer representatives regarding a resolution timeline for completion of projects.

Before you leave each meeting, make sure the next scheduled meeting is on the payer representative’s calendar. Initiate each meeting by following up on open items and sharing denial trends on previously discussed issues.


Many organizations rely heavily on manual, human interventions to prevent and resolve denials. By automating high-volume, low-risk denials, you can not only resolve these denials more efficiently but also transition staff away from these routine, time-intensive tasks so that they can focus on high-risk accounts. Additionally, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a powerful tool that offers additional automation capabilities for prevention and resolution.

As just one example, when data analytics revealed a pattern of denials by a payer for a certain CPT code, our team members worked with the healthcare organization to write a query in the client’s EHR to automatically write-off about 18,000 accounts annually, saving the client the cost of nearly one full FTE.

As the surge of electives, due to pent up demand, makes its way through your system, your team needs efficient and systematic denials management processes.

Consider the following potential opportunities to automate low-impact, high-volume denials:

Using data analytics to dig down to root causes

To identify leaks in your revenue cycle and pinpoint ways to plug those leaks, strong data analytics tools and skills are increasingly more critical. As you’re weighing strategies for reducing and preventing denials, consider how well you’re measuring and tracking the leading indicators to the final denial write-off rate, such as:

But keep in mind, while these are important metrics to monitor, they don’t always provide enough information to understand the reasons for denials. Consider redeploying revenue cycle staff on strategic projects to identify and correct the issues that cause claims to be denied. These existing employees are your best asset when it comes to uncovering the true reasons for denials. They have the years of experience, relationships, and “ears to the ground” you need to diagnose the problems that are at the root of underperformance.

Invest now in denials management

Remember that time is of the essence. Deploying your people and resources to more effectively prevent and resolve denials is an investment with recurring ROI. As the surge of electives, due to pent up demand, makes its way through your system, your team needs efficient and systematic denials management processes to collect the revenue that your organization has earned.

We have expertise to help navigate the complexities of payer denials and guide providers through the development of a robust denials management strategy focused on prevention, resolution, and automation. Let’s start a discussion.

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