All states
- U.S. Supreme Court overrules Quill in sales tax nexus case
- Colorado enacts market-based sourcing
- Colorado issues IRC §965 repatriation transition tax guidance
- Connecticut revises IRC §965 repatriation transition tax guidance
- Connecticut enacts pass-through entity tax, depreciation adjustments
- Connecticut issues guidance on estimated pass-through entity tax
- Connecticut’s bonus depreciation addback applies to 2017 tax year
- Sales and use tax definitions regarding nexus amended
- IRC conformity updated
- Sales thresholds trigger sales tax nexus in Illinois
- Iowa enacts major tax reform
- Passive holding company not subject to Detroit income tax
- Unitary business group guidance updated
- Contractor use tax liability clarified
- Corporate tax rate cut and apportionment changes enacted
North Carolina
- North Carolina budget updates IRC conformity, includes other changes
North Dakota
- Remote sellers meeting thresholds now subject to sales tax
- Personal income tax residency test modified
- State decouples from TCJA limit on business interest deduction
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