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How to spot a fraudster: Red flags that suggest occupational fraud

May 28, 2024 / 4 min read

Occupational fraud continues to cost businesses, some quite severely. In most cases, the perpetrators exhibit several common traits and behavior patterns. Be on the lookout for these red flags.

Occupational fraud continues to plague businesses, as it has for decades, even during and after the pandemic. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) reported in its 2024 report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse that U.S. organizations lose an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud, from misuse of an organization’s assets to fraudulent financial reporting and beyond. This percentage has remained constant for the last several surveys. The report also outlined that the median loss per case was $145,000, with asset misappropriation schemes as the most common frauds. In most cases — 84%, according to the survey — the perpetrators exhibit certain personal characteristics and patterns of behavior. 

Fraudsters’ common behavioral red flags

Management and co-workers may see warning signs of “fraudsters.” According to the ACFE reports, the two most common red flags include living beyond one’s means and financial difficulties. Other warning signs include:

The two most common red flags include living beyond one’s means and financial difficulties.

While all of these behavioral red flags can be clues to help detect fraud, none should be considered in isolation. If someone in your organization exhibits several behaviors on this list, extra attention may be warranted but keep in mind: simply displaying one or more behavioral red flags isn’t absolute proof the staff member is committing fraud.

Likewise, consider assessing segregation of duties (SOD) at your organization. SOD — an effective and successful strategy to increase transparency and reduce fraud risk — won’t only give you greater oversight of these warning signs but can dramatically improve the way your organization manages risk beyond fraud.

Segregation of duties is a significant step toward strategic risk management. Start with our interactive SOD matrix. 

Traits of a typical fraudster

In addition to observed behavioral red flags, the ACFE 2024 report also analyzed the traits of fraudsters. Those traits include:

Collusion is common

It’s easier to commit fraud when you have a partner to help you cover your tracks. More than half of the occupational fraud cases reported by the ACFE involved more than one perpetrator, which can make it harder to detect. SOD, while vital, can be rendered meaningless when people work together to override them. As internal controls go by the wayside when staff collude to perpetrate a scheme, median losses reported increased with each additional perpetrator.

Be alert: Don’t overlook suspicious behavior

Organizations both large and small face threats of loss related to occupational fraud, and all companies should remain aware of the behavioral red flags. Remember: the most effective fraud prevention programs incorporate knowing who and what to look for, always being on the lookout for telltale signs, digging deeper to gather the facts when fraudulent activity is suspected, and taking swift action when fraud is detected.

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