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International M&A: Integration and effective tax structuring

Aug. 24, 2023
Our international audit, tax, and consulting professionals discuss integration and effective tax structuring for multinational organizations post-acquisition. Join them to understand key integration focus areas and to develop an understanding of international tax structuring considerations.
Business professionals in a modern conference room discussing international M&A.Planning and executing the acquisition of an international business is a demanding endeavor with a host of critical considerations. As you’re approaching the close of the transaction, you’ll want to ensure your plan captures the key operational, strategic, and compliance considerations necessary for a successful acquisition.

After a successful transaction, it can be tempting to think the work is finished. However, post-acquisition is a crucial time to solidify and implement key integration tactics to ensure your business continues to achieve expected results, including tax structuring and financial integration. 

During this webinar, our international consulting, tax, and audit professionals will discuss integration best practices for international transactions, effective international tax structures, and some recent international updates to ensure you stay up to date with global changes.

This is the third installment of our four-part international webinar series taking place once per quarter during 2023. Each quarter, our international audit, tax, and consulting professionals will join together to discuss issues affecting international organizations and highlight key compliance and country-specific updates. See our first quarter update here and our second quarter update here.

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