The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) introduced some dramatic changes in tax law that require individuals to take an even closer look at their year-end tax planning strategy as 2019 approaches. As the IRS continues to release new guidance and proposed regulations, what year-end tax planning opportunities should you consider?
View our on-demand webinar and learn strategies for how to manage your tax position in the new environment. We’ll arm you with the information you need to ensure you understand new guidance and make the right decisions as you develop a personal year-end strategy.
At the conclusion of this webinar, you’ll be able to:
- Analyze your 2018 and 2019 tax exposure and strategies.
- Manage your ongoing tax position in the new tax environment.
- Describe a variety of tax-planning opportunities.
- Communicate the implications of tax reform within the topics covered, including income, gift and estate tax strategies such as the alternative minimum tax, leveraging low interest rates, and planning for retirement and college educations.
- Jerry Jonckheere, tax partner
- James Minutolo, National Tax Office partner
- Mandy Chardoul, wealth transfer partner
- Samuel Ysusi, tax partner