Conducting sell-side due diligence prior to taking your company to market will help make your company more marketable, avoid surprises once potential buyers conduct their own diligence, expedite the sale process, and bring more certainty to close. Our approach includes a quality of earnings analysis, working capital assessment, tax compliance, tax structuring, and purchase price allocation analysis. Our experts are very thorough in their approach, looking beyond the reported financials to provide insights into potential issues that ultimately improve buyer and lender confidence.
Our approach provides you with a buy-side perspective, providing clarity on what exactly buyers will focus on, along with how they will view recent trends, EBITDA adjustments, and other issues identified during the process. By sharing our quality of earnings report with potential buyers early in the process, they can submit a letter of intent based on fully vetted information. This helps avoid purchase price adjustments due to issues normally uncovered later in the process.
Sell-side due diligence also shortens the time to close by allowing the buyer to complete their own diligence more quickly. Most of what the buyer aims to accomplish will have already been completed, data will already be readily available and organized appropriately, and your management team will be well versed on any potential issues raised. While this approach saves you and your team valuable time, it also keeps your transaction on track.