I specialize in performing and supervising external and internal audits, loan review engagements, cybersecurity reviews, regulatory compliance reviews, and SEC surprise custody audits as well as collaborating with clients to resolve accounting, regulatory, and business challenges.
I provide a practical approach to working through business challenges. Clients can count on me to distill complex situations into accessible parts which helps them focus on the urgent issues. When their business thrives, in no small part from our contributions, it’s a satisfying experience that keeps me coming back every day.
I appreciate the chance to speak to clients, their boards, and at industry conferences, such as the Illinois Bankers Association, about topics of current interest to business leaders, including the impact of new accounting pronouncements and financial reporting requirements. I belong to the AICPA and the Illinois CPA Society. I have a B.S. in commerce from DePaul University.
Outside of work, my wife, Catherine, and I are focused on our little boy, Ryan. We used to love traveling, for two to three weeks at a time if we were lucky; in fact, we still love the idea, but we have different priorities that keep us closer to home right now and are enjoying every minute.