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The right approach to cybersecurity in healthcare requires the right risk assessment

August 14, 2024 / 5 min read

In Healthcare Business Today, Duane Fitch and Joe Oleksak discuss how cyber threats are a growing concern for healthcare organizations, impacting both patient care and financial stability, and share strategies like risk assessments and tailored defenses. 

From small-town hospitals to advanced medical facilities, cyber threats have become an inescapable reality for all healthcare organizations. No entity is immune to these attacks, which are increasing in number, frequency, and financial impact. More concerning is the potential disruption to patient care, which can compromise health outcomes, and cost lives — a horrifying reality increasingly quantified by research.

Complete immunity from cyber threats is impossible, but the journey to strengthen our defenses is essential. As healthcare entities strive to remain fiscally viable and resilient through greater interconnectedness, they must navigate an evolving landscape where cyberattacks, and the solutions created to address them, continually shape their path forward.

You’re not alone. Given that healthcare is critical infrastructure, the public sector and private sector are aggressively working to develop and provide solutions — offering strategic guidance and sophisticated tools for healthcare entities to shore up their defenses. As we increasingly see organizations of all kinds and at varying levels of preparedness suffer breaches, one thing is clear: Every organization faces unique challenges.

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