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Angela Appleby appointed to the AICPA’s IMTA executive committee

May 26, 2020 / 1 min read

Angela Appleby was recently appointed to the AICPA’s information management and technology assurance executive committee, where she’ll provide assistance and support to practitioners who provide technology advisory services.

We’re pleased to announce that Partner Angela Appleby has been appointed to the AICPA Information Management and Technology Assurance Executive Committee (IMTA EC) beginning May 21, 2020. Members of the IMTA EC provide assistance and support to practitioners who provide technology advisory services. Angela will serve up to three consecutive one-year terms.

Angela, who works out of the firm’s Downtown Denver office, was recognized for her history of stewardship and leadership as well as involvement in the industry. This is a tremendous honor for Angela as recognition of her expertise and dedication to the profession.

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