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High-net-worth taxpayer sitting down at their computer and reading about IRS audits.

IRS’ focus on high-net-worth taxpayers brings in over $1 billion

August 7, 2024 / 4 min read

Given the IRS’ increased enforcement efforts, high-net-worth taxpayers should start taking steps now to prepare for IRS audits and other enforcement efforts and reduce the likelihood that the IRS will make adjustments to their returns. 

Over the past year, the IRS used a significant funding increase from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to launch enforcement efforts targeting high-net-worth taxpayers. The IRS is calling these efforts a success, recently announcing that they have recovered over $1 billion from high-net-worth individuals. We expect this to be just the beginning of the IRS’ increased enforcement measures, so it’s important for high-net-worth taxpayers to take steps now to be prepared.

The path to increased IRS enforcement

The IRA was enacted in 2022, and it allocated significant new funding to the IRS. The IRS has used the increased funding for projects ranging from technology and information security improvements to enforcement initiatives. A July 11, 2024 IRS press release announced the agency’s collection of $1 billion from high-net-worth taxpayers as a result of enforcement efforts focused on this taxpayer population. IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel credited IRA funding for these results and provided details about the IRS’ focus areas.

The recent enforcement efforts targeted a specific population of high-net-worth taxpayers — 1,600 individuals whose incomes were more than $1 million per year and who each owed the IRS more than $250,000 — but the IRS’ focus is expected to continue widening, so all high-net-worth taxpayers should take steps to be prepared. In the past year, the IRS has announced a focus on a number of issues that impact high-net-worth taxpayers, including:

The recent enforcement efforts targeted a specific population of high-net-worth taxpayers, but the IRS’ focus is expected to continue widening.

What should taxpayers be doing now?

Given the IRS’ increased enforcement efforts, high-net-worth taxpayers should start taking steps now to prepare for IRS audits and other enforcement efforts and reduce the likelihood that the IRS will make adjustments to their returns.

What to expect for the future?

The IRS is hard at work using IRA funds to improve their processes, develop new tools, train new agents, and expand its tax enforcement teams. The IRS is now facing pressure to demonstrate the effectiveness of this funding, and we’ll likely continue seeing enforcement efforts increase over time. Commissioner Werfel has stated that the collection results achieved from enforcement efforts over the past year provide encouragement for the IRS to continue to ramp up enforcement efforts. Taxpayers should expect increased assessment and enforcement efforts to be the new normal, and they should take steps to prepare. Relying on trusted tax controversy practitioners to help defend an audit or enforcement matter can help taxpayers navigate the complexities of increasing IRS enforcement.

Taxpayers should expect increased assessment and enforcement efforts to be the new normal, and they should take steps to prepare.

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