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How CEOs and their teams can prepare for 2023's newest cyberthreats

October 3, 2022 / 4 min read

The last few years may have been bad for cybersecurity breaches, but business leaders should get ready for what’s to come. In Chief Executive, Sarah Pavelek discusses why the time is now to strengthen these four crucial pillars of cybersecurity.

If you think the last few years were bad for cybersecurity breaches, take a deep breath before you consider what’s coming in 2023. Our existing defenses may not be ready for what’s in store.

Bad actors are honing their existing attack vectors and opening new ones that many companies have barely started to think about. For example, artificial intelligence technology is found in everything from autonomous vehicles to voice assistants, home security, and medical devices; attacks on these technologies are likely to increase. Security practices once seen as iron-clad, such as biometrics and password managers, are becoming more vulnerable as hackers get smarter — just remember the recent breach of LastPass, a commonly used password management system.

In the face of widening assaults, companies across all industries need to review their people, process, and technology. In my work, I see too many businesses displaying a false sense of security. They think they’re prepared but that illusion often falls apart when their defenses are seriously tested.

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