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No Surprises Act: How to avoid noncompliance and unwanted surprises

April 20, 2022 / 4 min read

The No Surprises Act became effective on Jan 1, 2022. Here’s how to ensure compliance and avoid unwanted surprises in your healthcare organization.

The No Surprises Act (the act) is here, and healthcare organizations have work to do to understand its complexities, update policies, train staff, and ensure compliance at facilities.

Overview of the act

In a nutshell, the goal of the act is to protect patients from receiving surprise medical bills. Its scope includes items and services provided to individuals enrolled in health coverage through their employer, the Health Insurance Marketplace (the marketplace), or an individual health insurance plan purchased directly from an insurance company. It also includes protections for uninsured or self-pay patients. It doesn’t include patients covered by Medicare or Medicaid since these patients are already protected and aren’t at risk for surprise billing.

Balance billing for insured patients

Balance billing, also known as “surprise billing,” happens when a provider bills patients for the difference between its or the healthcare facility’s charge and the amount allowed by the insurance provider, i.e., the difference between the total cost of services being charged and the amount the insurance pays. For example, if the provider’s charge is $1,000 and the amount allowed by insurance is $900, the provider may seek to “balance bill” the remaining $100 to the patient.

The act prohibits balance billing in the following types of situations:

Notice and consent exceptions

In certain situations, a hospital facility can bill the patient for the balance for services, but only in limited situations, and only when the “notice and consent” requirements of the act are followed.

In situations where the healthcare facility provides the patient with notice of the out-of-network charges — and the patient consents to the charges — the act doesn’t regulate billing for nonemergency services for:

Good faith estimates for uninsured or self-pay patients

State-licensed or certified healthcare providers are required to give good faith estimates of healthcare charges to every new and continuing patient who’s either uninsured or isn’t planning to submit a claim to their insurance.

Providers are also required to inform every uninsured or self-pay client of their right to receive a good faith estimate.

The list of services to be provided should differentiate between the services that the provider will be offering and those offered through what the act defines as “co-providers” and “co-facilities.”

The good faith estimate must be provided in accordance with the following timing:

There are no provisions within the act that allow patients to waive their right to a good faith estimate.

The patient has the right to engage in a dispute resolution process if the actual costs of services significantly exceed those listed in the good faith estimate.

A compliance checklist

To avoid surprises and ensure your organization is on track for compliance with the act, consider taking these steps:

Preparing for these changes will take time and effort, so start sooner rather than later. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help you prepare — give us a call.

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