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HRSA PRF Period 2 reporting: Should you change your methodology?

February 18, 2022 / 2 min read

Provider Relief Fund Period 2 reporting is here and the Health Resources & Services Administration is permitting reporting entities to change their methodology for lost revenue calculation. Here’s how to determine the impact to your organization.

Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Period 2 reporting is here, and, as outlined in the June 11, 2021 PRF Post-Payment Notice of Reporting Requirements, healthcare providers who received aggregate PRF payments exceeding $10,000 from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2020, must report on their use of funds during Reporting Period 2. The reporting portal is open from Jan. 1 to March 31, 2022, for providers to submit their information.

In January 2022, Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) released several new resources for healthcare providers to assist with the second round of reporting, including reporting portal updates and methodology for calculating lost revenues and the PRF Lost Revenues Guide.

The portal updates/methodology document indicates that returning reporting entities may change the methodology for calculating lost revenues used in their Period 1 portal submission to one of the other lost revenue methods described in the lost revenue guide. HRSA issued several FAQs on Jan. 27, 2022, to further clarify the impact to reporting entities.

Here’s several important considerations if you’re thinking about a change to your methodology:

Additional Period 2 reporting guidance: Infection control targeted distributions

Period 2 is also the first period in which infection control targeted distributions will be reported. It’s important to note that infection control dollars may only be used to offset eligible expenses and can’t be used to offset lost revenue. In addition, the infection control targeted distributions were accompanied by terms and conditions, which are significantly different from those attested to with other general and targeted distributions. Reporting entities should review these terms and conditions in relation to their operations to determine what may qualify as eligible infection control expenditures.

Healthcare providers should carefully analyze how funding in previous reporting periods will be impacted before electing to make any change in their lost revenue methodology to ensure they’re able to retain as much of the received PRF payments as possible. For help determining the impact to your organization, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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