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IT Governance: Yours, Mine, or Ours?

April 1, 2021 / 6 min read

A strong IT governance foundation is critical to technology and enterprise decision-making, but managing those decisions across departments, central IT, and shared domains is a challenge. Here’s how you can take a coordinated approach.

A robust and collaborative IT governance foundation is critical to technology and enterprise decision-making. Managing those decisions around departmental, centralized or internal, and shared IT domains — “yours,” “mine,” and “ours,” respectively — offers an opportunity to strengthen your IT governance where it counts and take a coordinated approach. Effective IT governance is even more important in times like these when crises force a change almost overnight.

Defining domains

Each of these domains has its own needs, creating challenges for your enterprise’s centralized IT function. And before you can develop a coordinated management approach, you need to understand the differences among them, from the perspective of your central IT group: 

These definitions are at play in most industries, especially if you add an increasingly common subset of Ours, to recognize IT solutions used by several departments but not enterprise-wide. These are Shared.  

The one constant is change

While the differences among definitions may seem straightforward, they easily can be complicated by the fact that any given application or IT solution may move from one domain to another over time. Consider the following examples: 

The trends are clear: Singular, point-specific IT solutions initially considered Mine tend to migrate to other areas over time and become Ours, possibly making an interim stop in the Shared domain. As the use of these solutions matures, departments may be challenged — whether by security and privacy concerns, regulations like GDPR, or the need to reduce costs — to take a more coordinated approach.

The trends are clear: Singular, point-specific IT solutions initially considered Mine tend to migrate to other areas over time and become Ours.

Toward coordinated management

So how does an enterprise’s centralized IT function establish a coordinated management approach for its enterprise IT needs? A business case can easily be made about the high cost of redundancy, the inability to leverage enterprise licensing agreements, the complexity and fragmentation of IT support, or the increased risk to the organization. But a business case alone will not overcome the historical tensions between the centralized IT organization and departmental IT organizations (which may have grown in scope over time).

But a business case alone will not overcome the historical tensions between the centralized IT organization and departmental IT organizations.

Three initiatives can help break this tension and strengthen your IT governance foundation:

A comprehensive survey of IT stakeholders

IT assessment and benchmark comparisons

Information technology strategy development

Lastly, as we write this, most organizations are moving to a “work from home” policy to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.  A challenge in this “new normal” is the potential variety of devices and software, making it difficult to provide technical support for at home workers.  Reducing this complexity is a key IT governance challenge. 

Any of these three initiatives will draw IT governance to the forefront of your organization’s information technology priorities. And, for nearly all organizations, that’s precisely where IT governance needs to be. These initiatives can be successful because they gather IT providers from across the enterprise. Together, this group can build a strong, cohesive working relationship and develop and formalize your IT governance, a crucial base for effectively and efficiently solving enterprise-wide issues.

Want to know more about IT governance, including stakeholder surveys, IT assessments, or information technology strategy development initiatives? Feel free to reach out — we’re happy to answer your questions. 

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