With the expiration of the Perkins Loan program, administrators will need to determine the impact to their institutions, and a direction for moving forward. The session covers options to liquidate or maintain the Perkins outstanding loans, and options to bridge the gap in student financial aid.There are also a lot of questions about what tax reform will mean for higher education. We will discuss the latest information on the emerging 2018 tax law changes, and the anticipated impact to colleges and universities.
Following this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the impact of the Perkins Loan program expiration on your institution.
- Identify options for handling the outstanding Perkins Loans and options to bridge the gap in student financial aid.
- Understand the emerging 2018 tax law changes and the anticipated impact on colleges and universities.
- Vicki VanDenBerg, partner, higher education practice leader
- Brian Greko, manager, assurance