As more and more organizations do business around the world, it's vital to understand international tax implications. Do you know the main differences between indirect tax systems in the European Union, Canada, and the United States? Learn about the most common pitfalls in these systems and possible implications of Brexit on your business. The session provides a high level comparison of indirect tax and sales tax.
At the conclusion of this session participants will be able to:
- Describe the main differences between indirect tax systems in the EU, Canada, and the US
- Describe the most common pitfalls, traps, and ways to be caught in these systems
- Understand the current EU VAT system and be prepared for the proposal on a new EU VAT system
- Understand the possible implications of Brexit for your business
- Mike Merkel, partner, Plante Moran
- Eline Polak, Praxity colleague
- Heather Weber, Praxity colleague
- Randy Janiczek, partner, Plante Moran
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