Middle-sized and small businesses are turning to strategic alliances and joint ventures to help them enter international markets, according to research by the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The problem is that these business ventures often fail. Why do they fail?
Global business experts and experienced matchmakers from Plante Moran and The Ohio State University will discuss what leaders of small and mid-sized businesses should consider to ensure the success of their global partnerships.
You are invited to join the conversation and bring your experiences and questions. The webinar will explore issues like:
- What are the challenges companies face when going abroad?
- How can they overcome those challenges?
- What are the characteristics of a good partner for global expansion?
Choosing a firm that is similar in size can be comforting but does it offer important factors to success like economies of scale, market power, and organizational image? This webinar will offer answers.
- Lou Longo, leader of Plante Moran’s global services team
- Oded Shenkar, Ford Motor Company Chair in Global Business Management at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business
- Kaitlin McAuley, Association for Corporate Growth, Global